Olympus 100Cap EU/CH Hard Rate Full System Activite 03.06.2022 Grand Open

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21 Ocak 2025
Tepkime puanı
Olimpus Online | CAP 100 | CH/EU | Longterm | GO 3-6-2022

Probably You have been wondering why players jumping from server to other, ending up leaving it in the first couple of Days, weeks?.. Sadly true? but ,We Olimpus team are focused on active oldschool jobbing gameplay, Server with a brand new gameplay which is not that far away from your dreams but we had to make some changes in order to offer mysterious journey of gaming!

Rate 1x
Play2Win yes
Magic POP Enabled
Bale Arena Enabled
CTF Enabled
Auto Event Enabled
Bots Allowed
Honor Buff Enabled

IP Limit 6
PC Limit 2
BA PC Limit 1
CTF PC Limit 1
FTW PC Limit 1
Job PC Limit 1
Guild Limit 32
union limit 2
Plus Limit 12 w/o adv

#Filter Features

Title name changing instantly
Title name color change instantly
Grant name change without the need of guild master permission
New char icons
Char name color change
Item linking in globals
Colored globals in item mall
Stall network , it won't be hard anymore to check ingame stall chars, because you can easily check them all now via stall network when you press "f" buon on your keyboard.
Unique target
Dps Meter
Ingame Dynamic Ranks
AFK Puples
Old interface


#Thunder Sound
Thunder sound is totally disabled avoiding noise.

#Zoom Hack
Your zoom will extended up to infinity to ensure you have a great view on everything.

#PK Disabled
At Olimpus pk is disabled permanently avoiding drama stories.

#Trace Function
This function is disabled under job mode.

#Hide char and guild names
This feature works only at our special event rooms during event times to make sure there won't be any type of cheating.

#Character Icons
In Olimpus you will be able to change your char icon , the icon you get next to your char name, you can get this icon from npc or ingame activites.

#Live Title Update
There is no need to teleport after purchase and using for an title scroll anymore , also from our ingame UI you will be able to switch your title from one to other without the need for teleleport.

#Live Chest
This is the new place where you goa get rewards and items inside it , its easy and friendly function since you will be able to move the items from your chest to your inventory instantly.

#Live Item / SP / Gold Granting
There is no need to get your items after char teleport or relog anymore , you will be able to get your item instantly inside your char chest without any need for teleport ,same goes for skill points and gold.

In order to give you a light push in your journey starting, we are gonna giving you those items as a start items.

1000x HP Potion
1000x MP Potion
Silver and gold tickets.
Devil Spirit Grade A (5%) Male/Female
Grap Pet 3 days
11x 100% Speed increase 3 days
20x Instant Return Scroll
11x Reverse Scroll
Full Equipped Set

To keep your playing easy, we have made a new stacks for you.
You can review it on this picture.


To keep beast mode on! we decided to give :
top 10/100 to reach lv 100:
- get 500 silks
- Pet clock
- 11 global

top 90/100 to reach to lv 100 :
- get 250 silks
- Pet Clock
- 11 global
#Silk Scroll:
WE ALL know that nobody can play with a server without this feature and thats why we added this feature.

#Skill Reset:
This scroll Will Reset your char Skills.

#Stats Reset:
This scroll Will Reset your char str , int points.

#Change Name Scroll:
This scroll will change your char name.

#Job Reset Scroll:
This scroll will remove your job Penalty.

#Guild Reset Scroll:
This scroll will remove your Guild Penalty.

#Premium ticket Remove:
This scroll Will Remove your remain time from your premium item.

Auto equipment is a feature that is on fashion nowadays. It makes
sense since its a really helpful feature. Additionally, on our auto equipment system you will receive normal items with +5 ,full blue , 41% stats applied.
P.S: Auto Equipment works until (DG 8).

Char Visuals
We do care much about your char look.
Therefor we have added some packages which goa affect your char and making it unique ones:
#Visual effects
Char icon changer
New avatars
You can check the above points in next gallery.
Avatars and char effects
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We've added that special funny feature to add some more fun to our system, so now you're able to use the color you like :
Red, Green,Blue ,Olive ,Orange ,Purple and Yellow
It will be like :

We can't imagine playing a server without it am i wrong ?. We are sure that our permanent buff system works perfect as we expected it.
Magic Pop
With Magic PoP cards,you can get some advantages on other players
You can get Magic PoP cards from Item Mall with fir price ,also you can get it as ingame drops from some uniques
Make sure that the beer item you will play on it the harder luck you will get

Item Success
steady Stone 30%
luck stone 30%
Dragon flag 5%
8% luck scroll 2.50%
first degree lucky powder 10%
Special title name 5%
Special Avatar dress 5%
Special Avatar hat 10%
Special Avatar Aach 10%

Alchemy rates stays 1x as original ,with the help of new lucky powder and luck scrolls, and prim and lucky dress you will get beer chance of success.
#Special FortressWar Buff.
Keep in your mind that we have made many changes to make Fortresswar more interesting , FTW Guild master will receive an special buff with special Title name FortressWar Commander as a prize for his hard work by wining Fortress War .

We have enabled Hotan fortresses to ensure fair competition and beer chance for all .
Note: Tracing is disabled inside of fortress war regions.
ftw pc limit is 1.
Basically you can make your deals with the flowing 6 currencies.
Normal gold
Job points
Premium silks

How to get normal gold ?
By selling your bot drobs , by doing trade runs and by selling stuff for ppl.

How to get job points ?
You can get job points by doing trade runs and some job uniques hunting.

How to get premium silk?
Our main purpose to have fun with a long-term server making a new memories for everyone you don't have to spend money in order to have donation silks, basically You can get every thing by playing hard . So you can get a free silk from the following points

how to get honor buffs ?

you can get honor buffs
- FROM job kills

How to get free silks in Olimpus ?
1- by events participating
2- by daily aending in our website daily reward feature.
3- by purchasing them from other players with ingame items , etc .
4- by participating in offline events at discord and FB share events .
In Olimpus we have no special sox system as others ,
we decided to keep the sox system as the original ones to keep oldschool feelings

#Seal of Star D10 items
You can get Seal of Star items as drops from mobs 90+ .

Keep in your mind that the drop rate will be enough fair to ensure a long-term server.

#Seal of Moon D10 items
you can get Seal Of Moon from Random SOM Box which drop from Dungeon Uniques.

#Seal Of Sun Weapon
can be Obtained from Hall of Worship dungeon runs .
literaly this is the most thing which our beloved silkroad community waiting from each server, actually this is the most effective and best way to get gold and job points.

We have enabled only three trade routes for jobbing. (Jangan/Hotan/Donwhang) to make sure there is fair chances for traders and thiefs needs to use there brains guessing trader locations and path .

Towns Buying Net Gold Profit Net JP Profit
Jangan to Donwhang 53M 57M 6 Job Points
Jangan to Hotan 53M 117M 7 Job Points

Please check job pc limit , reverse and trace functions at filter restrictions part.

tWe have designed a new job suits In order to make your character looks unique, you can get those job suits for some job points and gold from our job NPC which located at Jangan town.

job level
special buff
1 3 str,3 int
2 3 str,3 int
3 3 str,3 int
4 4 str,4 int
5 5 str,5 int
6 6 str,6 int
7 7 str,7 int ,5% aack rate , 5% parry rate

Job Ranking system based on your job Level

In Olimpus you will find lot of new fellow and pick pets and you will find them all in our item mall.

New Pets
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Our main town goa be Jangan, which we provided with the all NPCs you might need in your long-term journey.

#Quest NPC.
There you will find a lot of quests to play in Olimpus, offering you many ways to enjoy your time.

tAvailable Quests

Quest Name
Hunting tomb snake lord lv 99 kill 2000 mob 1 time / char 5 reverse
Hunting Hell enchantress lv 100 kill 1000 mob 1 time / day Random Gift Box lvl 1
Hunting hell serpent lv 100 kill 1000 mob 1 time / day Random Gift Box lvl 1
Hunting Baal Zealot kill 2000 mob 1 time / day Random Gift Box lvl 1
Hunting Abshad Force High General kill 3 uniques Repeatable Random Gift Box lvl 2
Hunting Thief Boss Kalia kill 3 uniques Repeatable Random Gift Box lvl 2
Hunting Baal kill 3 uniques Repeatable Random Gift Box lvl 2
Hunting Babilion kill 3 uniques Repeatable Random Gift Box lvl 2
Hunting Yuno kill 3 uniques Repeatable Random Gift Box lvl 2
Hunting Bone Roc kill 1 unique Repeatable Random Gift Box lvl 3
Hunting Roc kill 1 unique Repeatable Random Gift Box lvl 3

Unique kill quests

Unique Name
Reward Title
Tiger Girl 20 Tiger Girl Slayer
Tiger GirlStr 20 Tiger Girl Slayer
Cerberus 20 Cerberus Slayer
Cerberus Str 20 Cerberus Slayer
Captin ivy 20 Captin ivy Slayer
Captin ivy Str 20 Captin ivy Slayer
Uruchi 20 Uruchi Slayer
Uruchi Str 20 Uruchi Slayer
Istaru 20 Istaru Slayer
Istaru Str 20 Istaru Slayer
Lord Yarkan 10 Lord Yarkan Slayer
Lord Yarkan Str 10 Lord Yarkan Slayer
Demon Shaitan 10 Demon Shaitan Slayer
Demon Shaitan Str 10 Demon Shaitan Slayer
Medusa 5 Medusa Slayer
Medusa Str 5 Medusa Slayer
Roc 2 Roc Slayer
Roc Str 2 Roc Slayer

Activity System
Unique king #1 : the player with the most unique kill points will get this title and its reward .
Unique king #2 : the player with the most unique kill points will get this title and its reward .
Unique king #3 : the player with the most unique kill points will get this title and its reward .
Alchemy King : the player with the most alchemy points which counts from +7 and higher will get this title ,p.s : only 1 player will get this title ..
Job King : the player with the most job kills will get this title ,p.s : only 1 player will get this title .
Pvp King : the player with the most pvp kills will get this title ,p.s : only 1 player will get this title .
p.s: if you lost one of those 6 titles above you goa get your old title back .

Activity Title System (Weekly Refresh at friday)

Unique king #1 Unique king #1 title & 500 Silk Weekly Refresh at friday at 23:59:00 .
Unique king #2 Unique king #2 title & 400 Silk Weekly Refresh at friday at 23:59:00 .
Unique king #3 Unique king #3 title & 300 Silk Weekly Refresh at friday at 23:59:00 .
Alchemy King Alchemy king Title Daily Refresh at 23:59:00 .
Job King Job King Title Daily Refresh at 23:59:00 .
Pvp King Pvp King title Daily Refresh at 23:59:00 .


#Dungeons Dimension Pillar:
There we go with the most interested part
we do have 2 types of dungeon
Olimpus dungeons works like oldschool fgw, all you have to do is purchasing a dimensional pillar for the the dungeon you prefer either hall of worship fgw or Garden Dungeon
regarding hall of worship dungeon the more hard dungeon you will join the more profit and cool drops you will get.
with collecting your 8 cards collection books you will be able to exchange them at our quest manager which located at Jangan with your D10 Sun Weapon/Shield.

#Talismans drop rate at hall of worship dungeon:
Dungeon Dimension Hole
Please Check main Drobs table below .

#Regarding Garden Dungeon
you will find mobs and some cool uniques inside this dungeon like :
2-Giant Demon

Dungeon Drops
Please Check main Drobs table below .


Most of you have heard about it already..
so ye we have made a different modes that will allow you to
receive some certain buffs by killing your enemy's from an opposite job alias.
if you are Strong enough to kill too many people in a row without dying you will be rewarded!
You will get buffs sorted for a certain period of time.

There are 5 kind of buffs:
10 Kills in row = 1%
20 Kills in row = 2%
30 Kills in row = 3%
40 Kills in row = 4%
50 Kills in row = 5%


European Skill Balance

Pain Quota range decreased from 150m to 100m.
Pain Quota damage disperse rate decreased from 75% to 50% at last tier.
Magical phence: magical damage absorbation decreased from 69% to 55 % at last tier of the skill. , range decreased from 150m to 100m.
Physical phence: physical damage absorbation decreased from 72% to 58 % at last tier of the skill.,range decreased from 150m to 100m.
ultimate screen buff nerfed physical def. decreased from 2000 to 1600 && magical def. decreased from 3200 to 2400.
Physical Screen buff nerfed from 2374 to 1974.
Morale Screen buff nerfed from 3200 to 2400.
guard tambour buff nerfed phy def from 47 to 40 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
mana tambour buff nerfed mag def from 47 to 40 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
hit marche buff nerfed aack rate from 79 to 68 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
clout marche buff nerfed aack rate from 94 to 83 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
Dancing of Valor buff nerfed from 26 to 20 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
Dancing of Fight buff nerfed from 46 to 40 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
Dancing of Magic buff nerfed from 30 to 24 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
Dancing of Wizardry buff nerfed from 46 to 40 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
Dancing of Healing buff nerfed from 34 to 28 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
Dancing of Vitality buff nerfed from 46 to 40 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
Dancing of Mana buff nerfed from 38 to 32 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
Dancing of Mentality buff nerfed from 46 to 40 and range decreased from 70m to 50m.
Force Deity removed level 5 and above from last tier skill and range reduced from 150 m to 100m.
Mental Deity removed level 5 and above from last tier skill and range reduced from 150 m to 100m.
Bless Spell Removed level 14 ,15 Bless Spell.
Reverse Oblation && Reverse Immolation decreased buff casting time to 20 sec instead of 2 min.
holy spell , holy word debuff probability decreased from 50% to 45%.
Reflect: damage return probability decreased from 35% to 25%.
Advanced Reflect: damage return probability decreased from 35% to 25%.
debuff skills time increased to 7 sec , probability decreased from 80% to 60% .
Scream Mask decreased stun probability from 35% to 25%.
Dark seed mag atk pwr increase 108 to 125%.
Chinese Skill Balance

Cold imbue skill increased to 20 sec instead of 8 sec as a casting buff time and cooldown.
Icewalls cooldown increased to 10 seconds.
Snow Shield Novice: 300 int required.
Snow Shield Adebt: 330 int required.
Snow Shield Freeze: 400 int required.
Snow Shield Intensify: 400 int required.
Snow Shield Swift: 450 int required.
Fire imbue skill increased to 20 sec instead of 8 sec as a casting buff time and cooldown.
fire phy dmg (flame body) increased from 11% to 15%.
Firewalls cooldown increased from 5 to 10 seconds.
lightning imbue skill increased to 20 sec instead of 8 sec as a casting buff time and cooldown.
lightning GHOST WALK GOD speed increased from 95 % to 115%.
force cure skills colodown increased from 2.1 to 10 sec.
debuff skills (Stunn,Division,impotent,weaken,decay) probability decreased from 80 % to 60%.
Anti Devil Bow Strike: Critical increased from 35 to 50 .
Anti Devil Bow Annihilate: Critical Critical increased from 40 to 55 .
Anti Devil Bow Demolition : Critical Critical increased from 45 to 60 .
ICE Hawk aack rate increased from 37 to 80 at last tier skill.
arrow combo skills sharing same cooldown.
Knock Down skills Probability reduced from 50% to 40%
Flying Stone Smash and Twin Energy Smash NOW sharing same cooldown .


Reverse Cooldown 10
Reverse (Job) Cooldown 60
Global Cooldown 30
Exit Cooldown 30
Exchange Cooldown 30
Stall Cooldown 30
Ride Pet Cooldown 15
All Chat Cooldown 3
Block GP Donation ON
Global Chaing Min Lv. 60
Disable Trace In Job ON
Disable Exchange In Job ON
Disable Res Scroll IN Job ON
Disable Dropping to Floor In Town ON
Disable Resurrection Scroll in FW ON
Disable FW Entrance With Bots ON
Disable Trace in FW ON
Bale Arena Min. Level 100
Bale Arena IP Limit 2
Bale Arena HWID Limit 1
CTF Min. Level 100
CTF IP Limit 2
CTF HWID Limit 1
Jop IP Limit 2
Jop HWID Limit 1
Fortress War IP Limit 6
Fortress War HWID Limit 1
Plus Notice Min. Level 7
Max Plus Level Limit 12
Disable Advanced Elixirs ON
Disable Reverse to Non-Resurrectable Areas ON
Bale Arena AFK Thershold (Seconds) 0
Disable Entering Auto-PVP Areas With Job Suit ON
Disable Thieves Picking up Goods In Town ON
Max Devil Spirit Plus Limit 5
Disable Removing Transferred Buffs ON
Disable Exchange in Balefield ON
Block Skill Usage After Emoticons ON
Disable Level Upping Skills In Job ON
Bale Arena Reward Item Arena Coin
Bale Arena Guild/Job Winner Amount 7
Bale Arena Guild/Job Lose Amount 1
Bale Arena Random/Party Winner Amount 7
Bale Arena Random/Party Lose Amount 1
CTF Per Kill Reward Item Arena Coin
CTF Team Win Reward Item Arena Coin
CTF Per Kill Reward Amount 1
CTF Team Win Reward Amount 1
Maximum Job Level 7
Max players in guild 24
Max Guilds in Union 2
Union Chat Limit 24
Astral Fallback Level 4
Increase Stall Gold Limit UP To 500B Gold
Increase Exchange Gold Limit UP To 4B Gold
Min. Party Members to Spawn Party Mobs 4
Party Mob Spawn Probability 50
Disable Thunder Noise ON
Show Guild In Job Mode ON
Job Cave AP Buon Min. Level 100
Enable Item Comparison System ON
Enable Unique Target ON
Enable AFK Bubble ON
Enable DPS Meter ON
Disable Earring GP From Mobs ON
Enable URLs in Global Chat ON
Enable Auto Academy Establishment ON
Hide Names in Auto-PVP Areas ON
Hide Titles in Auto-PVP Areas ON
Hide Guilds in Auto-PVP Areas ON
Wear Suit in Auto-PVP Areas ON
Disable Pets in Auto-PVP Areas ON
Disable All Chat in Auto-PVP Areas ON
Enable Old Tooltip ON
Enable Old Sidebar ON

Trivia Event reward 5 silks
Lucky Stall event 5 silks
Lucky Global event 5 silks
GM Kill Event 20 silks
pvp event 20 silks
Survival event 1st=25, 2nd=20, 3rd=15, 4th=15, 5th=10 silks
LMS event 10 silks
Madness event 10 silks
Alchemy event 5 silks
Power of Olimpus 50 silks

Auto events Details

Trivia Event
Our bot system will ask specific question and the first one to answer it right will win the event
restrictions: only first answer counts if it was right.
Lucky Stall
once event notice sent and event starts , all you have to do is go to town and open stall and in 5 min a random winner will be announced .
restriction: you must be in town opening your stall.
Lucky Global
once event notice sent and event starts , all you have to do is sending any global chat , the more you send the high chance you get , in 5 min a random winner will be announced .
restriction: random winner will be selected only during event time .
GM Kill
once our event starts all you have to do is using our special events teleporter which located at jangan south near gate entrance
and choose GM Kill event room , once you teleport to room you will be automatically wear your yellow pvp cape .
1- you must enter the room before event starts otherwise the teleport will be closed during event time .
2- you will be automatically equip your yellow pvp cap after teleport.
3- aack skills will be freezes until event start notice appear .
4- you can aack gm only once event started notice shows .
pvp event
once our event starts all you have to do is using our special events teleporter which located at jangan south near gate entrance
and choose PVP event room , once you teleport to room you will be automatically wear your yellow pvp cape .
1- you must enter the room before event starts otherwise the teleport will be closed during event time .
2- you will be automatically equip your yellow pvp cap after teleport.
3- aack skills will be freezes until event start notice appear .
4- you can aack each others only once event started notice shows .
5- party is disabled at this room.
6- the char with the most pvp kills will be event winner .
7-party join and pt matching is disabled at this room.
8-Char name , Guild name , title is invisible at this room.
9-zerk , chat is disabled at this room.
Survival event
once our event starts all you have to do is using our special events teleporter which located at jangan south near gate entrance
and choose Survival event room , once you teleport to room you will be automatically wear your yellow pvp cape .
1- you must enter the room before event starts otherwise the teleport will be closed during event time .
2- you will be automatically equip your yellow pvp cap after teleport.
3- aack skills will be freezes until event start notice appear .
4- you can aack each others only once event started notice shows .
5- party is disabled at this room.
6- Top 5 chars with the most kills will be event winners .
7-party join and pt matching is disabled at this room.
8-Char name , Guild name , title is invisible at this room.
9-zerk is disabled at this room.
Last Man Standing
once our event starts all you have to do is using our special events teleporter which located at jangan south near gate entrance
and choose LMS event room , once you teleport to room you will be automatically wear your yellow pvp cape .
1- you must enter the room before event starts otherwise the teleport will be closed during event time .
2- you will be automatically equip your yellow pvp cap after teleport.
3- aack skills will be freezes until event start notice appear .
4- you can aack each others only once event started notice shows .
5- party is disabled at this room.
6- once you get dead at this area you will be instantly back to town .
7- last 1 char which stands for the end will be event winner .
8- if you try to cheat and relog at this area you will find yourself at town .
once our event starts all you have to do is using our special events teleporter which located at jangan south near gate entrance
and choose Madness event room , to be able to teleport you must wear your job suit .
1- you must enter the room before event starts otherwise the teleport will be closed during event time .
2- you must wear your job suit to be able to enter event room.
3- aack skills will be freezed until event start notice appear .
4- you can aack each others only once event started notice shows .
5- the char who will kill the unique inside will be the winner .
6- party join and pt matching is enabled at this room.
7- Char name , Guild name , title is visible at this room.
8- zerk , chat is enabled at this room.
once our event starts all you have to do is moving to jangan south area infront of gate , where our bot system will drob specific items
and will let you know which + is required for this item to win the event .
1- first one to make the desired plus will win the event .
2- items will be deleted upon event ends .
Power of Olimpus
once you teleport to the event room you will automatically wear pvp suit , all of your aack skills will be disabled ,
only normal aack allowed , once event notice started comes you will receive a special weapon inside your inventory,
with magical damage just to make sure you will give any other char only 1 hit no maer your level or set or anything , just a fair chance for everyone .
1- you must enter the room before event starts otherwise the teleport will be closed during event time .
2- aack skills will be disabled at this event .
3- you can aack each others only once event started notice shows .
4- the char who will get 1 hit will be instantly back to town and his special weapon goa be removed .
5- party join and pt matching is disabled at this room.
6- Char name , Guild name , title is invisible at this room.
7- zerk , chat is disabled at this room.
8- teleport restrict to lv 1 up to 100 ,bcz all players no maer there levels have same chance to win .