Our ambition
Technical Information
The Team
✦ Seal Of Nova :: ✦
✦ Seal Of Moon :: ✦
✦ Seal Of Sun :: ✦

Greetings, JoymaxTR Community! It's the time to prepare for our newly created project. After working hard and puing a lot of effort, we're here to present to you Actros Online. We developed a server that will make a positive impact to players' experience in the p-server community. We will provide outstanding server and unsurpassed service that, together, deliver premium value to our players. We always think as a player so that we can make a server that will aract your aention and a server that'll really be competitive and successful.So, don't miss it..!

we aspire to create a real community which gathers all the great players & guilds as we will try as much as we can to provide you with a stable server which definitely can't be done without your help in the BETA phase.
we hope to offer you the most enjoyable server as you need
One of our goals is also to provide you with a professionally made in-game content which will aim to make the server Play2win, not pay2win.

you will get a supporting 24/7.” Nevertheless, details are important, Actros's team is going to assist you any time of the day, in all languages, without a harsh aitude, you're one of us, and we're one of you, we're all human after all .

Our Dedicated Server is very rigid , located at Central Europe to overlay all nations, also Actros has unlimited resources, so expect 0 hardware-related issues!

This article looks at some of the key things that team managers need to do if their team is to thrive and succeed. These range from choosing the right people and deciding who does what, to communicating with, developing and motivating people. Our team is composed of skilled members in Sro scene , They are highly qualified , We've chosen the team very carefully , To satisfy your requests in every possible way. Handling troubles is number one mission , Followed by gratification of the players. Each one in the crew knows how to do his job and they are willing to help you, starting up from supporters to developers. Make certain that we are working day/night to meet your requests.
Team MembersUsername - epvp | Join Date - epvp | Nickname | Position - PServer |
!OVI | 06/18/2020 | !OVI | admin |
*Split | ---- | split | Developer- Graphic Designer |
tttt• Beta PhasesttA beta-phase is a must-do, An Important part we cannot neglect , It's the basis to establish a good server. wherefore
Don't miss the rewards and join us in Beta Phases to ensure that everything working perfectly.
ttt• Grand OpeningttThe expected day 21th of Oct! Use your weapon , gather your team to obliterate your foes and watch environments crumble to dust before you. Your enemies will do anything to stop you. prepare to face dreadful and the strong monsters straight from your worst nightmares. Choose your build wisely before facing our strong creatures , your judgments , boldness and endurance are the key to victory.t
diameter | 140 |
race | European / Chinese |
mastery | 280/560 |
Exp Rate | 70x |
Party Exp Rate | 75x |
droprate | 20x |
Gold Drop Rate | 2x |
Max Plus | +16 w/o Adv |
boots | allowed |
Main Town | Samarkand |
FTW | hotan |
Auto equipment | D1-D13 |
guild limit | 32 |
MagicPop | allowed |
Silk/Hour | 1 Silk Per Hour |
Server Limits | amount |
IP Limit | 8 Characters |
HWID Limit | 4 Characters |
Job ,Bale,Ctf,Survival | 1 Character |
Fortress War Limit | 1 Character |
Guild Members Limit | 24 Members |
Union Limit | Disabled |

✦ Starter Package ✦
It is very easy to start a new adventure in Actros .
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✦ Auto Equipment ✦
To make your adventure more and more easier, we have enabled the auto equipment system. Your items will be changed automatically when you teleport. The items will be Sun Items +5, full blue and stats 41% but the system will be stop working when you reach to 13th Degree.
✦ Top Level Reward ✦
We offer you more way to gain some of silk in the grand opening.
The first 100 player are reaching to maximum level (Lv 140) will receive 400 silk.
✦ Main Town ✦
We chose Samarkand as the mother city and the uniter of players as its the favorite city for most of the players, all the important NPCs are placed in Samarkand, also the players have good memories of Samarkand so we can not neglect it.
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✦ Spawn Ratio ✦
Actros spawn ratio is fairly high along with large scale grinding areas. There is always a spot for everyone so don worry about this part.
✦ Grinding Areas ✦
Alexandria Monsters Level (Lv101 ~ Lv110)
Baghdad Monsters Level (Lv125 ~ Lv135)
Samarkand Monsters Level (Lv135~ Lv140)
Mirror - Sky Temple Monsters Level (Lv140)

✦ Free2Play ✦tIn Actros, we provide you a free2play system to achieve the balance between everyone.t
We provide you more than one way to gain the purchased currency (Silk/items).
- ✦You will get silk killing unique monsters.
- ✦You will get silk completing daily quests.
- ✦You will get silk when participating in the events.
- ✦You will get 1 S/H For each Char.
- ✦You Can get 400-600 silk per day , so its play to earn.
- ✦you will get free silk throw giveaways and sharing events on our social media .
ttt✦ Magic Pop ✦ttWe enabled magic pop because we believe its very interesting and fun system in Silkroad, you will be geing much precious items from magic pop like angel avatar -immortal - astral etc.. you can obtian magi pop card from all uniques.t
ttt✦ Custom Gui ✦ttWe Had Coded a custom gui with many features Stall network , Custom Title , Custom Colors , Char icons , Vip icons , Item Link , title storage , Dps , Special Reverse .t

✦ Coin Currencies ✦
Marketing in-game will depend on 3 currencies that you have to collect them
for geing last gear equipments. Those are Arena, Gold, Actros Coins.
And don't forget gold because it is one of the most important currencies in the game as well.
How to get Arena Coin
- From Trading Goods.
- From Bale Arena
- From Capture the Flag
- From Daily Quests
- From HWT

How to get Actros Coins
- From Daily Quest
- From Normal Uniques
- From HWT

How to get Gold Coins
- From Job Temple.
- From HWT
- From Daily Quest

How to get 1B Coin
- From Actros Shop .

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✦ SoX System: ✦
•Understanding SoX rates, and the way to obtain them is really important for you to read, as Silk-Road is all about SoX. Read everything in this section carefully if you want to be at the top of the hierarchy!
Below you can find all the information needed to learn how to get all sox tiers.
✦ Seal Of Nova :: ✦
✦ Seal Of Moon :: ✦
Weapons and gear are obtainable from normal monster hunting also Weapons are obtains from uniques .
✦ Seal Of Sun :: ✦
Weapons and gear is obtainable from Actros NPCs with Actros , Gold , Arena Coins .Shield's are obtains from the Actros queen unique as a drop

ttttHunting unique monsters is an interesting feature of Silkroad, but they're much more interesting in actros Online. They are the reason why we've innovated our SoX system,we're not launching with box systems its a very bad idea and many players don't like it so we had removed it and add just alpha chest its for silk items, you will find all you need to know about their drops, power-level, spawn time, and more.
tttt✦ Normal Uniques ::✦
STR & INTTiger Girl Jangan 2 Actros Coins,1x Magic PoP Card , 1x reverse scroll , Weapons moon (25%) STR & INTCerberus. constantinople 2 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x reverse scroll , Weapons Moon (25%) STR & INTUruchi. Donwhang 3 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x reverse scroll , Weapons Moon (25%) STR & INTCaptain Ivy. Samarkand 3 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x reverse scroll , Weapons Moon (25%) STR & INTIsyutaru. Karakoram 4 Actros Coins , 2x Magic pop card , 1x reverse scroll , Weapons Moon (30%) STR & INTLord Yarkan. Taklamakan 5 Actros Coins , 2x Magic pop card , 1x reverse scroll , Weapons Moon (30%) STR & INTDemon Shaitan. rock mountain 6 Actros Coins , 2x Magic pop card , 1x reverse scroll , 1x immortal , Weapons Moon (30%)
tttt✦ Titan Uniques ::✦
Tiger Girl | Jangan | 1 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x global scroll |
cerberus | constantinople | 1 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x global scroll |
uruchi | Donwhang | 2 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x global scroll |
Captain Ivy. | Samarkand | 2 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x global scroll |
isyutaru | Karakoram | 2 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x global scroll |
Lord Yarkan. | Taklamakan | 3 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x global scroll |
Demon Shaitan. | rock mountain | 3 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x global scroll , 1x immortal stone (50% rate) |
Soso the Hades Viper. | temp | 3 Actros Coins , 1x Magic pop card , 1x global scroll , 1x immortal stone (50% rate) |
tttt✦ Huge Uniques ::✦
rock | rock mountain | 1000 silk, 1000 Arena, 1000 Actros, 8x Astral, 2x-3x lucky scroll |
Medusa | all | 300 silk, 15-20 Actors Coin (80% Rate), 2x immortal stones, 4x magic pop cards, 2-3 lucky scrolls |
boss unique | all | 500 silk, 2 immortal stones, 4x magic pop cards, 2-3 lucky scrolls |
Actros Queen | all | Shield sun (35%),300 silk , 100x special vigor 35% , 4x magic pop cards,2-3 lucky scrolls |
tttt✦ Act Uniques ::✦
STR & INTAct Uniques | all | 20 silk , 1x immortal stone (80% rate) , 3x magic pop card (90% rate) |
tttt✦ HWT Uniques ::✦
STR & INTSphinx | HWT | 1 gold coin 50% ,5 Arena coin , 7 Actros coin , 20 Silk , 1 immortal 50% |
STR & INTNephthys. | HWT | 1 gold coin 50% ,5 Arena coin , 7 Actros coin , 20 Silk , 1 immortal 50% |
STR & INTSekhmet. | HWT | 1 gold coin 50% ,5 Arena coin , 7 Actros coin , 20 Silk , 1 immortal 50% |
STR & INTHorus. | HWT | 1 gold coin 50% ,5 Arena coin , 7 Actros coin , 20 Silk , 1 immortal 50% |
STR & INTOsiris. | HWT | 1 gold coin 50% ,5 Arena coin , 7 Actros coin , 20 Silk , 1 immortal 50% |
tttt✦ Temple Uniques ::✦
Selket | Job Temp | Shield sun (20%),10 Gold coins, 200 Silk, 1-2 lucky scrolls, 2 Astral |
Isis | Job Temp | Shield sun (20%),10 Gold coins, 200 Silk, 1-2 lucky scrolls, 2 Astral |
Anubis | Job Temp | Shield sun (20%),10 Gold coins, 200 Silk, 1-2 lucky scrolls, 2 Astral |
Neith | Job Temp | Shield sun (20%),10 Gold coins, 200 Silk, 1-2 lucky scrolls, 2 Astral |

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tttHall of WorShip Dungeonttthe best way to obtain silk and special itemst
- "Final unique" droppable Actros Bronze box
tttFlame Mountain DungeonttttFlame Mountain, the best instance for Forgoen World, not to mention that you'll be rewarded with items when you kill the unique(s) roaming inside !t
- "Final unique" droppable Actros gold box
tttDevil's Garden Dungeonttthe best way to obtain silk and special itemst
- "Final unique" droppable Actros Silver box

ttttttAuto Events has been improved we have got many Events and it's working perfectly , you can find the schedule downwards. (We will apply the schedule soon)
ttttAutomatic Events.tt
Automatic Kill the GM Event Automatic Hide & Seek event Automatic Trivia Events Automatic Lucky party number event Automatic Lucky Global event Automatic Lucky PM event Automatic Lucky Stall event Automatic Last man standing event Automatic unique event Automatic Alchemy event Automatic Loery Event Lucky Global Event ( Loery Event ) Survival Arena int - str pvp Event couples pvp event
ttttOffline Events.
tttttt✦ Discord Server ✦ttttyou can stay in touch with the game admins, supporters, and players by joining our Discord Server. Also, we have developed some custom discord-bots. You'll be alerted for Auto Events and Global Chaing.
tttttt✦ Signature Event ✦ttttA free chance to win free silk in the grand opening. Just use our forum signature code (copy & paste) a free chance to win 500 silk. All you need to do to win the silk' is copying this code down below and puing it in your forum signature.
tttttt✦ Beta phase events ✦
Virus Total
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✦ Beta phase events ✦