I'd like to present you Babel Online created for all the players in search of an exciting server, distinct game play with old features and much more.
• We've decided to start our own project focusing on preserving the SRO experience and improving on it as much as possible without breaking the Silkroad spirit.
• We've done a mix between PVP activities and PVE system, seing the game with a certain necessity to do multiple activities to obtain good benefits.
• We have a moderately low experience rate and SP, so true SRO lovers can enjoy leveling up and interacting with the game environment.
• Mainly we have focused the game systems and the economy to a system supported by silk and gold, preserving the ancient essence of SRO that gold was the engine of the economy, in babel you can use both currencies for buying everything,100% play to win!

You can Follow us on Discord & FB,We strongly appreciate your patience & your trust in our project.
Discord,Facebook & download Links :

Our main community is discord!

Level cap | 110
Gear cap | 1~101
Skill cap | 110
Monster cap | 110
Server files | Vsro
Race| Eu/Ch
Fortress| Hotan
Fortress Time | Every Sunday 20.30
Main Towns| jangan~Alexandria
Guild/Union Limit | 50/4
Vigor,HP/MP Recovery Grain| Enabled
Sox Type | Custom
Ip Limit | 6
Advanced Elixirs | Enabled
Purification Pills Bug | Disabled
Common Aack Wizzard's Bug | Disabled
Oldschool capes | Enabled
Daily Auto Events| Enabled
Custom Alchemy Rate | Enabled
Solo Experience Rate | 50x
Solo SP Experience Rate | 50x
Party Experience Rate | 60x
Party SP Experience Rate | 60x
Berserk Rate | 2x
Drop Rate | 50x
Drop Specially Goods Box Rate | 30x
Nova & Egy A items | Enabled
Auto Equipment | Enabled
GodBless Scroll | Enabled
Honor Buff Scroll | Enabled
Magic Pop | Enabled
Bale Arena | Enabled
Survival Arena | Enabled
Capture the flag | Enabled
JOB,FTW,BA,CTF ip limit | Enabled
Silk per Hour | enabled
Alchemy max plus | +11 ADV(+2)
Special Lucky Magic Powder | Enabled
Discord/Streamer Events | Enabled
Daily,Weekly,Monthly PVP,Unique Events | Enabled
UNIQUE, FTW & JOB ranking | Enabled
Custom trade routes | under development
Free Silk System | Enabled
New Custom quests | Enabled
New Custom Auto Events| Enabled
New job System | Enabled
New job suits| under development
Item Upgrader scroll | under development
Lucky Magic Powder (high rate)| Enabled
Anti cheat system | Enabled
Chinese Balance | Enabled
Custom Avatars | Enabled
New triggered dungeon's (INSTANCES) | under development
Custom Honor Buff Scroll | Enabled
Custom Dragon Flag | Enabled
Gold Value System | Enabled
New Berserk Quest Title | Enabled
Custom Launcher, Select Character & logging room

IP Restrictions:
Starter Items:
•Auto Equipment is a great help to start playing on a long-term private server, in Babel Online you will have Auto equipment for your character from Degree 1 to Degree 10 +3 50% FB!
•It has a random Item selection system, which you can get SOS, MOON or SUN auto-equipment parts, it all depends on your luck!
You will also start with these items in your inventory:
•You will start with 3 pages of inventory so you don't have to go and do the inventory quests, you can directly focus your activities on uploading LVL, hunting uniques or trading.
•If you do not receive your auto-equipment when advancing from LVL, I recommend that you use a Return Scroll or a Reverse Return Scroll and your corresponding auto-equipment will be immediately updated.

• EXP & SP 60% scroll
• 1000000 SP
• HP & MP x500 units
• Devil Spirit B
• Return Scroll x10 units
• Reverse return Scroll x10 units
• Avatar Dress able to use x2 Magical options
• Speed Scroll 100% x10 units
It's true that you will not have a Pick Pet in the starter pack, but we have Clock pet and Pick pet for a small amount of gold, very easy to get, it all depends on you
We have implemented some small features which are very typical of silkroad, there are many things that have been lost due to the marketing and the way how some new servers does to aract as many users as possible!
• Pick pet that you can buy with gold, costs 80m and lasts 3 days,You can buy that Gold Pick Pet in Stable JG NPC, you can revive it whenever you want!
• Since always in silkroad when you started, you did not have any starter pack, if you wanted a pick pet you had to farm silks, if you wanted silks you needed to donate or buy them from another player, we have implemented this system in which you can achieve everything from different ways, almost all things are priced in gold and silk, Fair server, everyone has the chance to have fun and achieve their goals!
• Reverse Return Scroll
• DMG & DEF 10% Scroll
• Clock Pick Pet
• Resurrection Scroll
• Global Chat
• Instant Return Scroll
We also have a small collection of Daily scrolls with a maximum stack of x1 that you can buy for a small amount of gold and in this way you can cover all your needs at the moment!
- We've added a Balance CH Skill 20% which you will find in Force mastery but its not neccesary to upgrade any Force lvl, it requires Force lvl 0 to be used

For a beer conditioning and a great performance of our future PVP activities, we have decided to make some improvements to the balance between the two great races that predominate in SRO; the Chinese vs the Europeans.
•We have added a small collection of uniques, respecting the classic unique spots, all normal uniques and Titan Uniques will give you silks.
•Beakyun The WhiteViper & Sereness have a 5-8% Drop rate, chance to drop Shield Egy A, Immortal Stone, and Arena coins.
•Princess Miyene and White Knight have a 55% Drop rate,chance to drop Immortals, Magic POP Cards & Arena coins!
Unique | Drop| Drop Rate | frequency
Tiger Girl | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Captain Ivy | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Isyutaru | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Lord Yarkan | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Uruchi | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Cerberus | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Medusa | Silks,Shield Egy A,Immortals | 8% | 240 minutes
Demon Shaitan | Silks, Inmortals | 50% | 120 minutes
White Knight | Silks, Immortals, Reverse, Magic Pop | 55% | 180 minutes
Princess Myrene | Silks, Immortals, Reverse, Magic Pop | 55% | 180 minutes
Ghost Sereness | Silks,Shield Egy A, Immortals, Magic Pop |8% | 240 minutes
Titan Uniques | Silks | 100% | 480 minutes
TaiSui | Immortal Stone D11, Arena Coins | 55% | 360 minutes
Undine Spirit | Immortal Stone D11, Magic Pop Card | 55% | 360 minutes
Demon Shaitan Titan | silver coins, silks | 55% | 480 minutes
Note: We will add new custom uniques in future updates!!
•We are also highly willing to receive future proposals regarding uniques and their systems, any suggestion will be very appreciated, as it will help us to have an idea of what the players are really looking for
•Lvl 100 Princess Miyene which you will find next to Pamir Plateau, will drop Immortal stone D11, Magic POP & Arena coins!
t •Lvl 100 WhiteKnight Unique Which you will find next to Ancient Remains, Karakoram. Will drop Arena Coins,Immortal Stone d11 & Magic POP
•Lvl 105 Tai-Sui which you will find next to Hyungno Homeland, Donwhang, will drop Immortal stone D11 & Arena coins!
•Lvl 100 Undine Spirit which you will find close to Wing Peak, Roc Mountain, will drop Immortal stone D11 & Magic POP cards!
Weekly Maintenance & Updates
•A server that has the intention to last a long time, as long as possible, needs people, but it also needs maintenance, stability and a lot of dynamics.
•For all this it is necessary to constantly check and keep it looking good and as optimal as possible! as long as the activity of the players is not interrupted! that's why we will take care to notify you before starting any Update/Maintenance.

Auto Events
•We have a small collection of auto events that by participating and winning you will automatically receive silks as a prize in your ITEM MALL (F10)
•Many of them are random, so it will depend on your luck and your speed!
•Using bot in auto events, according with our rules, is highly punished!
The events are made for everyone, which, for a fair game system and a balance it is important to use our skills and not programs to answer questions for us!
Event | Frequency
Re-Arrange Words | 60 minutes
Trivia Questions | 60 minutes
Find the missing leers | 60 minutes
Lucky Party Number | 60 minutes
First type | 60 minutes
Lucky Global | 60 minutes
Lucky Loery | 60 minutes
Lucky Stall | 60 minutes
Maths Event | 60 minutes
Longest Online Player | 60 minutes
Alchemy Event | 60 minutes
Capture the Flag | 120 minutes
Bale Arena | 120 minutes
Survival Arena | 240 Minutes
Last Man standing | 240 minutes
Team vs Team | 240 minutes
Auto Unique Event | 600 minutes
Daily,Weekly & Monthly Events
Our Events are divided into 3 categories, daily, weekly and monthly. the value of the rewards for the winners is equivalent to the importance of the event.
•The daily and weekly events will start from the beginning of the official phase, the monthly events will take place 1 month after the grand opening!
•The most important events of all and the ones that give the best reward are the monthly events.
Event | Frequency
H&S | Daily
F&K | Daily
Horse Race | Weekly
Guess the Circle | Daily
PVP Event 1vs1 on bounty | Daily
Crazy Uniques | Daily
Lucky Crit | Daily
1vs1 Unique | Daily
Best Int Player | Weekly
Best PVP Player | Weekly
Best Str Player | Weekly
Best CH Player |Monthly
Best EU player |Monthly
Best Unique Killer | Weekly
Babel Monthly PVP Contest | Monthly
Babel Monthly Unique Contest | Monthly
•All daily and weekly events will give silks as a reward.
•monthly events will give Silks, special titles, job suits with magic options, Arena coins.
•In order to participate in the monthly PVP and Uniques Events, you must be in the top 3 best players in the weekly events.
•The winner in the first place of each monthly event, either PVP or Uniques, will obtain a special title which will be reflected that he is the best player of the month in that activity.
•The winners of each Weekly PVP and Unique Event will get a coin called Babel Talisman, which you will use as a keep to be able to participate on the PVP/Unique Monthly Events.
•At the moment, Monthly Events require a minimum of 5 Babel Talisman, the amount will increase progressively.
First place will get the title The best player of this month which will give you some extra Magical options:
• STR/INT +3 increase
• Magical, Physical Damage increase 3%
• Magical, Physical absorption increase 3%

Boosting Babel Online discord server makes you get the following things:
Get your "Nitro Booster" title in-game, in the grand opening, then you dont have to do the berserk quests
Count Title = Nitro Booster
• In Babel Online there will be daily,weekly & monthly Discord Giveaways, you may win any time! don't miss any of the giveaways ! so stay tuned in discord & FB.

Bale Arena|Time
BA | 00.00.00
BA | 02.00.00
BA | 04.00.00
BA | 06.00.00
BA | 08.00.00
BA | 10.00.00
BA | 12.00.00
BA | 14.00.00
BA | 16.00.00
BA | 18.00.00
BA | 20.00.00
BA | 22.00.00
-Bale Arena takes place 12 times a day, every 2 hours starting from 00:00.00(Belgium time).
-Bale Arena Event Duration : 15 minutes.
-You will get disconnected if you stand afk inside Bale Arena. (AFK Kicking).
-You cannot use res skills in Bale Arena event. (Anti-Cheat).
Capture the flag|Time
CTF | 01.00.00
CTF | 03.00.00
CTF | 05.00.00
CTF | 07.00.00
CTF | 09.00.00
CTF | 11.00.00
CTF | 13.00.00
CTF | 15.00.00
CTF | 17.00.00
CTF | 19.00.00
CTF | 21.00.00
CTF | 23.00.00
-Capture the Flag takes place 12 times a day, every 2 hours starting from 01:00.00 (Belgium time)
-Capture the flag Event Duration : 12 minutes.
-You will get disconnected if you stand afk inside CTF. (AFK Kicker).
-You can not use res skills in CTF event. (Anti-Cheat).
How to find silks in Babel Online
There are many ways about how to find silks, but the most important are the PVP events and hunting uniques!
• You can get free silks from Auto events
• You can get free silks from Uniques.
• You can get free silks from Giveaways/share Discord & FB events
• You can get free silks from Daily Live events hosted by the Support Team
• You can get free silks from Daily Quests.
• You can get free silks from silk per hour.
• Bale arena
• Capture The Flag
• Survival
• Uniques
• Events
• Job Temple Uniques
• Unique Events
• Job Temple Uniques
• Holy Water Temple
• Unique Events
•The only way to get GOLD is by trading or stealing trades, we have put this system as the main feature, always in SRO you have had to steal or make a trader, or sell your items and progress to get most of things since everything had to be bought in gold/silks.
• Gold in Babel Online is one of the most important things for your character's development, you will need Gold for everything, participating in trade caravans or stealing them, you will make high profits.
•We have added the behemoth as a great support to go in trade especially alone, if you want to make a mega caravan, it will be your best option!
•The Behemoth transport will cost you 6 silks each, it has 1015256 HP and a moving speed of 6m (60%)
•The Buffalo has almost half the life of the behemoth and has 16.66% less moving speed, Buffalo transport, will cost you 2 silks each, has 615000 HP and a moving speed of 5 (50%)
•In BaBel Online we have added a small series of scrolls that will make things much easier for you! you no longer have an excuse to achieve your goals!
Scroll Type | Description | Price
Stat Reset Scroll | Scroll which removes your stat points configuration | 399 Silks
Skill Reset Scroll | Scroll which removes your Skill configuration | 600 Silks
PK Remover Scroll | Useful scroll for removing the current PK | 150 Silks
Holy Water Temple Reset Scroll | makes you be able to join again to the Holy Water Temple without waiting the next day!| 75 Silks
Forgoen world Reset Scroll | with this scroll you don't need to wait to get into the fgw once again | 75 Silks
God Blessing Scroll | gives you extra magical options | 998 Silks
Premium Plus 10% | premium with 10% stats,5% applied on alchemy | 499 Silks
Devil Spirit's S | you can obtain an extra Damage by using Devil S( limit plus +10) | 499 Silks
Honor Buff Scroll | gives you extra DMG/DEF & aack rate | 650 silks
Intelligence Scroll (11 unit) | extra +5 Int points | 33 Silks
Strength Scroll (11 unit) | extra +5 Str points | 33 silks
Extra HP Scroll (11 Unit) | +4100 HP increase by 30 mins | 35 Silks
Extra MP Scroll (11 Unit) | +4100 MP increase by 30 mins | 35 Silks
Trigger Scroll (11 unit) | 30% Parry-Aack rate increase by 1h | 26 Silks
Most important NPCs in Babel Online:
•There are some important NPC's in Babel Online, which you should be interested in knowing where they are and what items each one has for a beer character development!
NPC name | Current Location | Item type | Required Currency
Babel Shop NPC | Jangan Storage | Char Effects, Alchemy items, FGW entrance, Titles, Daily Scrolls, Honor buff, Silk Scrolls, Remover Scrolls | Silks & Gold
- Lucky Powder D1, ADV elixirs D11 Class B (+2)

- Horns, Wings, Accesories, Custom Trails, Holy Wings, Crowns & More!

- Char Effects

- Trails & Prism Wings

- FGW entrance from grade 1 to grade 4 by Gold

- Daily Reverse, Return, Resurrection, DEF & DMG 10% Increase, Global... by Gold

- Custom Babel Honor Buff

- Lucky/Steady D10/D11

- HWT, FGW, Stats, PK, SKILL, JOB remover Scrolls

- 50, 200, 750, 2500 silk Scrolls

- Multiple Custom Titles

NPC Name | Current Location | Item type | Required currency
Egypt Items NPC | Close to Jangan Storage | Set & Accesory D11 Egy A | Babel coins, Silver Coins, Gold, Arena coins
- Chinese & European Accesory D11 Egy A

• Accessories require Arena coins and Gold, easy to find through PVP events or BA, CTF, FTW.
• Set pieces require Babel coin and Silver coin, you can collect them from HWT and Job temple, also some uniques will drop Silver and Babel coin!
• You can get weapons d11 egy A by doing the FGW quest that you will find in the Governor Senmute NPC located in Alexandria.
• Once you have taken the quest, you have to go to the fgw grade 1,2,3,4 and collect the talismans that drop the boxes and the sereness.
BABEL ONLINE is based in uniques and PVP activity without heavy or useless editions, but it requires your dedication in the ''Job Temple,FGW & HWT'' to be able to build your Set Egy A and Accessories.
We have implemented a system to revive the real value of gold within our server, you will notice that gold is one of the most important currencies to build your character!
you can use bot all day, but really if you don't play events or participate in trade, you won't be able to Assemble your character well and it will take you longer than normal! It is a 100% play to win server, you can find everything within the server! We have 100% time 24/7 to serve Babel Online users and solve all the problems that occur.
We have focused heavily on server security and the stability of our systems to create a long term server!
Feel free to DM us on discord and make us any suggestion or solve any doubt about our Server, we accept all the suggestions that you want to give us! it will help us to be beer ! We strongly appreciate your time and your trust in us!

I'd like to present you Babel Online created for all the players in search of an exciting server, distinct game play with old features and much more.
• We've decided to start our own project focusing on preserving the SRO experience and improving on it as much as possible without breaking the Silkroad spirit.
• We've done a mix between PVP activities and PVE system, seing the game with a certain necessity to do multiple activities to obtain good benefits.
• We have a moderately low experience rate and SP, so true SRO lovers can enjoy leveling up and interacting with the game environment.
• Mainly we have focused the game systems and the economy to a system supported by silk and gold, preserving the ancient essence of SRO that gold was the engine of the economy, in babel you can use both currencies for buying everything,100% play to win!

You can Follow us on Discord & FB,We strongly appreciate your patience & your trust in our project.
Discord,Facebook & download Links :

Our main community is discord!

Level cap | 110
Gear cap | 1~101
Skill cap | 110
Monster cap | 110
Server files | Vsro
Race| Eu/Ch
Fortress| Hotan
Fortress Time | Every Sunday 20.30
Main Towns| jangan~Alexandria
Guild/Union Limit | 50/4
Vigor,HP/MP Recovery Grain| Enabled
Sox Type | Custom
Ip Limit | 6
Advanced Elixirs | Enabled
Purification Pills Bug | Disabled
Common Aack Wizzard's Bug | Disabled
Oldschool capes | Enabled
Daily Auto Events| Enabled
Custom Alchemy Rate | Enabled
Solo Experience Rate | 50x
Solo SP Experience Rate | 50x
Party Experience Rate | 60x
Party SP Experience Rate | 60x
Berserk Rate | 2x
Drop Rate | 50x
Drop Specially Goods Box Rate | 30x
Nova & Egy A items | Enabled
Auto Equipment | Enabled
GodBless Scroll | Enabled
Honor Buff Scroll | Enabled
Magic Pop | Enabled
Bale Arena | Enabled
Survival Arena | Enabled
Capture the flag | Enabled
JOB,FTW,BA,CTF ip limit | Enabled
Silk per Hour | enabled
Alchemy max plus | +11 ADV(+2)
Special Lucky Magic Powder | Enabled
Discord/Streamer Events | Enabled
Daily,Weekly,Monthly PVP,Unique Events | Enabled
UNIQUE, FTW & JOB ranking | Enabled
Custom trade routes | under development
Free Silk System | Enabled
New Custom quests | Enabled
New Custom Auto Events| Enabled
New job System | Enabled
New job suits| under development
Item Upgrader scroll | under development
Lucky Magic Powder (high rate)| Enabled
Anti cheat system | Enabled
Chinese Balance | Enabled
Custom Avatars | Enabled
New triggered dungeon's (INSTANCES) | under development
Custom Honor Buff Scroll | Enabled
Custom Dragon Flag | Enabled
Gold Value System | Enabled
New Berserk Quest Title | Enabled
Custom Launcher, Select Character & logging room

IP Restrictions:
FTW | 1 |
JOB | 2 |
Stall | 20 seconds |
Reverse Return Scroll | 30 seconds |
Global Chat | 30 seconds |
Resurrection Scroll | 30 seconds |
Berserk | 3 minutes |
Purification Pill | 18 seconds |
Exchange | 20 seconds |
Starter Items:
•Auto Equipment is a great help to start playing on a long-term private server, in Babel Online you will have Auto equipment for your character from Degree 1 to Degree 10 +3 50% FB!
•It has a random Item selection system, which you can get SOS, MOON or SUN auto-equipment parts, it all depends on your luck!
You will also start with these items in your inventory:
•You will start with 3 pages of inventory so you don't have to go and do the inventory quests, you can directly focus your activities on uploading LVL, hunting uniques or trading.
•If you do not receive your auto-equipment when advancing from LVL, I recommend that you use a Return Scroll or a Reverse Return Scroll and your corresponding auto-equipment will be immediately updated.

• EXP & SP 60% scroll
• 1000000 SP
• HP & MP x500 units
• Devil Spirit B
• Return Scroll x10 units
• Reverse return Scroll x10 units
• Avatar Dress able to use x2 Magical options
• Speed Scroll 100% x10 units
It's true that you will not have a Pick Pet in the starter pack, but we have Clock pet and Pick pet for a small amount of gold, very easy to get, it all depends on you
We have implemented some small features which are very typical of silkroad, there are many things that have been lost due to the marketing and the way how some new servers does to aract as many users as possible!

• Since always in silkroad when you started, you did not have any starter pack, if you wanted a pick pet you had to farm silks, if you wanted silks you needed to donate or buy them from another player, we have implemented this system in which you can achieve everything from different ways, almost all things are priced in gold and silk, Fair server, everyone has the chance to have fun and achieve their goals!

• Reverse Return Scroll
• DMG & DEF 10% Scroll
• Clock Pick Pet
• Resurrection Scroll
• Global Chat
• Instant Return Scroll
We also have a small collection of Daily scrolls with a maximum stack of x1 that you can buy for a small amount of gold and in this way you can cover all your needs at the moment!

For a beer conditioning and a great performance of our future PVP activities, we have decided to make some improvements to the balance between the two great races that predominate in SRO; the Chinese vs the Europeans.
•Beakyun The WhiteViper & Sereness have a 5-8% Drop rate, chance to drop Shield Egy A, Immortal Stone, and Arena coins.
•Princess Miyene and White Knight have a 55% Drop rate,chance to drop Immortals, Magic POP Cards & Arena coins!
Unique | Drop| Drop Rate | frequency
Tiger Girl | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Captain Ivy | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Isyutaru | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Lord Yarkan | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Uruchi | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Cerberus | Silks | 100% | 240 minutes
Medusa | Silks,Shield Egy A,Immortals | 8% | 240 minutes
Demon Shaitan | Silks, Inmortals | 50% | 120 minutes
White Knight | Silks, Immortals, Reverse, Magic Pop | 55% | 180 minutes
Princess Myrene | Silks, Immortals, Reverse, Magic Pop | 55% | 180 minutes
Ghost Sereness | Silks,Shield Egy A, Immortals, Magic Pop |8% | 240 minutes
Titan Uniques | Silks | 100% | 480 minutes
TaiSui | Immortal Stone D11, Arena Coins | 55% | 360 minutes
Undine Spirit | Immortal Stone D11, Magic Pop Card | 55% | 360 minutes
Demon Shaitan Titan | silver coins, silks | 55% | 480 minutes
Note: We will add new custom uniques in future updates!!

•Lvl 100 Princess Miyene which you will find next to Pamir Plateau, will drop Immortal stone D11, Magic POP & Arena coins!

•Lvl 105 Tai-Sui which you will find next to Hyungno Homeland, Donwhang, will drop Immortal stone D11 & Arena coins!

•Lvl 100 Undine Spirit which you will find close to Wing Peak, Roc Mountain, will drop Immortal stone D11 & Magic POP cards!
Weekly Maintenance & Updates
•For all this it is necessary to constantly check and keep it looking good and as optimal as possible! as long as the activity of the players is not interrupted! that's why we will take care to notify you before starting any Update/Maintenance.

Auto Events
•We have a small collection of auto events that by participating and winning you will automatically receive silks as a prize in your ITEM MALL (F10)
•Many of them are random, so it will depend on your luck and your speed!
•Using bot in auto events, according with our rules, is highly punished!
The events are made for everyone, which, for a fair game system and a balance it is important to use our skills and not programs to answer questions for us!
Event | Frequency
Re-Arrange Words | 60 minutes
Trivia Questions | 60 minutes
Find the missing leers | 60 minutes
Lucky Party Number | 60 minutes
First type | 60 minutes
Lucky Global | 60 minutes
Lucky Loery | 60 minutes
Lucky Stall | 60 minutes
Maths Event | 60 minutes
Longest Online Player | 60 minutes
Alchemy Event | 60 minutes
Capture the Flag | 120 minutes
Bale Arena | 120 minutes
Survival Arena | 240 Minutes
Last Man standing | 240 minutes
Team vs Team | 240 minutes
Auto Unique Event | 600 minutes
Daily,Weekly & Monthly Events
•The daily and weekly events will start from the beginning of the official phase, the monthly events will take place 1 month after the grand opening!
•The most important events of all and the ones that give the best reward are the monthly events.
Event | Frequency
H&S | Daily
F&K | Daily
Horse Race | Weekly
Guess the Circle | Daily
PVP Event 1vs1 on bounty | Daily
Crazy Uniques | Daily
Lucky Crit | Daily
1vs1 Unique | Daily
Best Int Player | Weekly
Best PVP Player | Weekly
Best Str Player | Weekly
Best CH Player |Monthly
Best EU player |Monthly
Best Unique Killer | Weekly
Babel Monthly PVP Contest | Monthly
Babel Monthly Unique Contest | Monthly
•All daily and weekly events will give silks as a reward.
•monthly events will give Silks, special titles, job suits with magic options, Arena coins.
•In order to participate in the monthly PVP and Uniques Events, you must be in the top 3 best players in the weekly events.
•The winner in the first place of each monthly event, either PVP or Uniques, will obtain a special title which will be reflected that he is the best player of the month in that activity.
•The winners of each Weekly PVP and Unique Event will get a coin called Babel Talisman, which you will use as a keep to be able to participate on the PVP/Unique Monthly Events.
•At the moment, Monthly Events require a minimum of 5 Babel Talisman, the amount will increase progressively.
FIRST PLACE | 3 | 60 | 200 |
SECOND PLACE | 2 | 30 | 100 |
THIRD PLACE | 1 | 15 | 50 |
FIRST PLACE | 3 | 200 | 400 |
SECOND PLACE | 2 | 100 | 200 |
THIRD PLACE | 1 | 50 | 100 |
• STR/INT +3 increase
• Magical, Physical Damage increase 3%
• Magical, Physical absorption increase 3%

Boosting Babel Online discord server makes you get the following things:

Get your "Nitro Booster" title in-game, in the grand opening, then you dont have to do the berserk quests
Count Title = Nitro Booster
• In Babel Online there will be daily,weekly & monthly Discord Giveaways, you may win any time! don't miss any of the giveaways ! so stay tuned in discord & FB.

Bale Arena|Time
BA | 00.00.00
BA | 02.00.00
BA | 04.00.00
BA | 06.00.00
BA | 08.00.00
BA | 10.00.00
BA | 12.00.00
BA | 14.00.00
BA | 16.00.00
BA | 18.00.00
BA | 20.00.00
BA | 22.00.00
-Bale Arena takes place 12 times a day, every 2 hours starting from 00:00.00(Belgium time).
-Bale Arena Event Duration : 15 minutes.
-You will get disconnected if you stand afk inside Bale Arena. (AFK Kicking).
-You cannot use res skills in Bale Arena event. (Anti-Cheat).
Capture the flag|Time
CTF | 01.00.00
CTF | 03.00.00
CTF | 05.00.00
CTF | 07.00.00
CTF | 09.00.00
CTF | 11.00.00
CTF | 13.00.00
CTF | 15.00.00
CTF | 17.00.00
CTF | 19.00.00
CTF | 21.00.00
CTF | 23.00.00
-Capture the Flag takes place 12 times a day, every 2 hours starting from 01:00.00 (Belgium time)
-Capture the flag Event Duration : 12 minutes.
-You will get disconnected if you stand afk inside CTF. (AFK Kicker).
-You can not use res skills in CTF event. (Anti-Cheat).
How to find silks in Babel Online
• You can get free silks from Uniques.
• You can get free silks from Giveaways/share Discord & FB events
• You can get free silks from Daily Live events hosted by the Support Team
• You can get free silks from Daily Quests.
• You can get free silks from silk per hour.

• Bale arena
• Capture The Flag
• Survival
• Uniques
• Events

• Job Temple Uniques
• Unique Events

• Job Temple Uniques
• Holy Water Temple
• Unique Events

• Gold in Babel Online is one of the most important things for your character's development, you will need Gold for everything, participating in trade caravans or stealing them, you will make high profits.

•The Behemoth transport will cost you 6 silks each, it has 1015256 HP and a moving speed of 6m (60%)

•In BaBel Online we have added a small series of scrolls that will make things much easier for you! you no longer have an excuse to achieve your goals!
Scroll Type | Description | Price
Stat Reset Scroll | Scroll which removes your stat points configuration | 399 Silks
Skill Reset Scroll | Scroll which removes your Skill configuration | 600 Silks
PK Remover Scroll | Useful scroll for removing the current PK | 150 Silks
Holy Water Temple Reset Scroll | makes you be able to join again to the Holy Water Temple without waiting the next day!| 75 Silks
Forgoen world Reset Scroll | with this scroll you don't need to wait to get into the fgw once again | 75 Silks
God Blessing Scroll | gives you extra magical options | 998 Silks
Premium Plus 10% | premium with 10% stats,5% applied on alchemy | 499 Silks
Devil Spirit's S | you can obtain an extra Damage by using Devil S( limit plus +10) | 499 Silks
Honor Buff Scroll | gives you extra DMG/DEF & aack rate | 650 silks
Intelligence Scroll (11 unit) | extra +5 Int points | 33 Silks
Strength Scroll (11 unit) | extra +5 Str points | 33 silks
Extra HP Scroll (11 Unit) | +4100 HP increase by 30 mins | 35 Silks
Extra MP Scroll (11 Unit) | +4100 MP increase by 30 mins | 35 Silks
Trigger Scroll (11 unit) | 30% Parry-Aack rate increase by 1h | 26 Silks
Most important NPCs in Babel Online:
NPC name | Current Location | Item type | Required Currency
Babel Shop NPC | Jangan Storage | Char Effects, Alchemy items, FGW entrance, Titles, Daily Scrolls, Honor buff, Silk Scrolls, Remover Scrolls | Silks & Gold
- Lucky Powder D1, ADV elixirs D11 Class B (+2)

- Horns, Wings, Accesories, Custom Trails, Holy Wings, Crowns & More!

- Char Effects

- Trails & Prism Wings

- FGW entrance from grade 1 to grade 4 by Gold

- Daily Reverse, Return, Resurrection, DEF & DMG 10% Increase, Global... by Gold

- Custom Babel Honor Buff

- Lucky/Steady D10/D11

- HWT, FGW, Stats, PK, SKILL, JOB remover Scrolls

- 50, 200, 750, 2500 silk Scrolls

- Multiple Custom Titles

NPC Name | Current Location | Item type | Required currency
Egypt Items NPC | Close to Jangan Storage | Set & Accesory D11 Egy A | Babel coins, Silver Coins, Gold, Arena coins
- Chinese & European Accesory D11 Egy A

• Set pieces require Babel coin and Silver coin, you can collect them from HWT and Job temple, also some uniques will drop Silver and Babel coin!
How to get Weapons Egy A in Babel Online
• You can get weapons d11 egy A by doing the FGW quest that you will find in the Governor Senmute NPC located in Alexandria.
• Once you have taken the quest, you have to go to the fgw grade 1,2,3,4 and collect the talismans that drop the boxes and the sereness.

BABEL ONLINE is based in uniques and PVP activity without heavy or useless editions, but it requires your dedication in the ''Job Temple,FGW & HWT'' to be able to build your Set Egy A and Accessories.
We have implemented a system to revive the real value of gold within our server, you will notice that gold is one of the most important currencies to build your character!
you can use bot all day, but really if you don't play events or participate in trade, you won't be able to Assemble your character well and it will take you longer than normal! It is a 100% play to win server, you can find everything within the server! We have 100% time 24/7 to serve Babel Online users and solve all the problems that occur.
We have focused heavily on server security and the stability of our systems to create a long term server!
Feel free to DM us on discord and make us any suggestion or solve any doubt about our Server, we accept all the suggestions that you want to give us! it will help us to be beer ! We strongly appreciate your time and your trust in us!